
xkcd's Color Survey Results

Last year, made a survey on colors and ask people to name/describe 25 color they gave. In the end, over 5M colors were named by 225K users. The discoveries are amazing, especially the color names given by boys vs. girls: Check out the source link for other findings and fun facts. Source: Color Survey Results

Epson and 3M create the 0.3-mm spokesmodel

The technology behind this display might not be new, but the approach to demonstrating it is absolutely captivating. Good thing too because the idea here is to combine Epson's rear-projection technology with 3M's 0.3-mm thin Vikuiti film to project talking avatars on shop windows in a bid to lure lusty nerd-boys and impressionable Cosmo-girls in for a closer look. Source: " Video: Epson and 3M create the 0.3-mm spokesmodel, eating disorders skyrocket "

First post is always the hardest one...

... because you need to rationalize why you returned back to blogging, which is an old trend on the internet --even 'lame' for teens, and give an explanation on what readers should expect to read here. It's like an introduction of a long article, it needs to be effective. Remember the pilot of two extremely popular TV series Heroes  and Lost ? Maybe because of the success of the pilot (first episode), it convinced millions of people to follow them for 4-5 seasons, although the writers of both certainly screwed up towards the end... But millions of followers? Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I'm staring to write here just for fun, not to become popular, or earn money, or for any other selfish reason. Panoromic view of Sagrada Familia and Torre Agbar from Park Guell (Barcelona) Why blogging now? I always wanted to log my life, then return back  after a couple of years  and read what I've done in a random day. I'm passively logging my day with the hel...